Friday, March 6, 2020

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities Tips From an Orange County College Tutor: 4 reasons to get involved in community college campus activities Local community colleges do not offer student housing, so many students simply attend class and drive straight home. Although housing is found off campus, community colleges offer lots of on-campus activities where both full and part-time students can get involved and be a contributing member of their community. Whether students are part of a volunteer group that helps the community or join a specific club or organization involved with their intended major, getting to know people outside of the classroom environment can give students a sense of being part of the group and make their educational experience more positive. Clubs and organizations also offer students a valuable opportunity to network with peers and professors and prepare to be in a professional environment our private Orange County college tutoring will help you have a successful winter semester. 1. Networking One great reason to get involved on campus is to start networking for future career opportunities. Many students will transfer to a 4-year university while others might be looking for internships or starting work after achieving a 2-year degree. In the classroom, most students are focused on impending assignments and exams and dont have much time to network for their future career. Clubs and organizations can fill this gap and help students make connections that are valuable for their future. 2. Social opportunities Part of going to college is making social connections that can lead to long-lasting friendships, study partners, and acquaintances who enjoy the same activities. College students are in a unique period of life where the vast majority of people they know are only one or two years different in age and the experiences they share, both positive and negative, will be similar. Getting involved with on-campus activities allows students to connect with people who are going through the same things and making the same life decisions. 3. Academic clubs Another great reason to get involved is to join an academic club that leads to countless opportunities for students who have educational goals involving a lot of hard work and preparation. One of the best places to meet a study partner or form a study group is in an academic club where each student has the same goal. Additionally, making academic connections is a great way to get valuable information when it comes time to build an academic resume to apply to a 4-year university (READ: College Prep Students: Things To Do Before February). 4. Subject-specific organizations Community college students can also enjoy being part of a group that is specific to a subject they are interested in. If theyre planning to major in engineering, they might enjoy a robotics club, or if they are interested in sports and kinesiology, they might like being part of a run club or yoga group. Subject-specific clubs give students a chance to get to know peers who will be applying to similar programs at 4-year universities in the area. These clubs also keep a student involved with their future career field and help encourage them to stay on track academically so they can reach their goals. The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to book your private Orange County college tutor. Dont take a chance at falling behind in your courses. Call TutorNerds today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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